Thursday 13. September there was a kick-off for the public health project Healthpromoting Kindergartens and Schools (HBS) in Lillesand, and we presented our 5-step motivation method for many interested listeners. The motivation project, that started at Møglestu upper secondary school, has now been expanded to Birkenes and Lillesand municipalities. We have already started at the adult learning centres, and hope to start in lower secondary school and in primary school during the autumn. On the picture: From the left: Gerd Martina Langeland, lektor at Møglestu and projectleader of SAMM in upper secondary schools, and May Olaug Horverak, project leader of SAMM in adult learning and primary/lower secondary school, Birkenes. From the right: Kedir Diary, social worker at Lillesand adult learning centre, and contributor to carrying out the method at the adult learning centre in Birkenes and Anette Lindhagen, social worker in Lillesand municipality and projectleader of HBS in Lillesand.