Four authors, from left: Elin Frish Selås, Tonje Levernes Solberg, Gerd Martina Langeland og May Olaug Horverak
After three years intensive writing, the three SAMM-books were finished; the first book for secondary school, the second book for adult learning and the third, recently published, book for primary school. It was really great to present the three books at the University of Agder. All four authors involved contributed. Thanks to everyone that showed up.
Gerd Martina Langeland first author of SAMM-book 1
May Olaug Horverak first author of SAMM-book 2 and 3.
SAMM is presented in London at IAFOR’s European Conference on Education (ECE)
It has been an intense and busy summer with SAMM -posters and presentations at conferences internationally: NPHC (Nordic Publich Health Conference) and ECCP (European Conference on Positive Psychology) in Reykjavik, Iceland and ECE (European Conference on Education) in London, England. There has been great interest and response for our work. It was particularly fun to meet Richard Ryan, one of the persons behind the self-determination theory we build the SAMM-methodology on, and he showed great enthusiasm for our work, and said that this was a good way of implementing self-determination theory in school.
Poster at NPHC, Reykjavik, IcelandRichard Ryan discusses the project with us, with great enthusiasm, poster at ECPP, Reykjavik, Iceland
Rein Alexander receives a SAMM-gift “A cup of survival” from the SAMM project leaders May Olaug Horverak and Gerd Martina Langeland for a great contribution with consert and reflections on SAMM-evening
Text by Knut Erik Vikan
Photos by Helene Horverak
Thursday 14. October, a SAMM-evening was arranged at Fevik Strand Hotell, and the wellknown opera-singer Rein Alexander was hired to entertain. SAMM is a project run from Birkenes Learning Centre and Lillesand upper secondary school, and has received in total 6 million NOK in the period from 2017 when it started to 2021, when SAMM finished as a HBS-project (Health promoting Kindergartens and Schools). This evening was arranged as a “thanks” to all involved in the project, and to sum up the project and all developments and further plans.
The evening started with a welcome speech, followed by dinner and desert. After the food, May Olaug Horverak and Gerd Martina Langeland presented the story of SAMM, thanked all contributors in the project, and handed out “cups of survival” as gifts to those who have participated in developing the project. Central leaders who have facilitated for the project to grow were also thanked, as Dag Gulbradnsen, former headmaster of Lillesand upper secondary school, Terje Bakken, leader of Birkenes Resource Centre, Eva-Kristin Paschen-Eriksen, leader of HBS. The evening was closed with a musical show by Rein Alexander, who also shared from his personal life experiences and reflections.
What is really SAMM?
«SAMM is not me or May, it is a method everyone can use» – Gerd Martina Langeland
SAMM is also a project where Gerd Martina Langeland and May Olaug Horverak, in collaboration with a psychologist, have developed a five-step method, where one asks, what is important to me, what am I good at, what can be difficult, and what can I do about it? As Horverak points out, it is about giving students “this channel and opportunity to tell”. The students reflect both through discussions and individually in anonymous log books on what is good and what is difficult, and this gives the teacher a unique opportunity to find out how the climate is in class and how the students are feeling.
Though the presentation, it was made clear that SAMM does not end here. The project is close to an end as HBS-project, but the SAMM-method lives on and has greater potential. The book that was published this year has been positively received at universities, and there is great interest for the approach both nationally and internationally. In addition, SAMM continues in the municipalities with financial support from the county governor.
Some experiences from the project
The social worker at Lillesand adult learning centre, Kedir Diary, told the story from when he was in Iraq, and was interviewed about the project on Kurdish television. The reporter was interested in the method and how it could be used in schools in Iraq. This was just before the pandemic broke out, and everything closed down. In addition, Kedir told about how the method has been used in adult learning centres in relation to the topic of racism and discrimination, and he said that “this made a difference in our school, the enviroment improved after the seminar”.
The international potential in the SAMM-method was also emphasised when Toril Espegren, a teacher at Valstrand lower secondary school, told about her experience with the method in Peru. She has used the method in a primary school she and her husband are responsible for, and told about a boy in the sixth grade that said he would fin a solution to fix a ceiling fan. He wrote that “I will use what is in my head, my own intelligence”. This is a boy who lives in the poorest areas in the outskirts of the large city Arequipa. They do not have plenty of resources here, perhaps only themselves. Tor Espegren told us with enthusiasm about the method’s potential in Peru, and how well SAMM’s illustrations of mountains and stairs work there. She was clear that she is going back to Peru to work with the method again.
Elin Frisch Selås from Vegårshei primary school told about how she had used SAMM at another school previously to change negative behavior among the students. She said that “there was a noticeable change during few months”. She made it also clear that she was going to use the method in her new job. Hege Jaabæk from Engesland primary/secondary school told a moving story about how children as young as third grade express their feelings and show understanding and care for each other when the method is used. “It surprises me that they are so reflected this early”, says Jaabæk.
Consert with reflections on life
Rein Alexander also found parallels to the SAMM-message from his own life. He told about own fears and challenges related to life, and challenged also the audience to reflect on the large questions in life. He received good response from the room, and shared stories and thoughts concerning why it is so important with motivation and right focus.
“I can destroy a performance just by thinking on consequences” (quote)
There was great atmosphere in the room, and people joined in sining, when the concert was ended by the Grand Prix-song from 2020 “One last time”, with a flame as we know from the show. When he was thanked for the show, he told us that this song has not been sung from a scene since Grand Prix, despite many requests. When he understood how important the song was for the hosts of this event, and how well the message in the song fitted the SAMM-project, he decided to agree to perform it.
What next in SAMM
The HBS-project that SAMM has been part of, has been led by Lillesand municipality, and has been financed by the Norwegian Directorate of Health and Agder county, and is part of the national programme for public health in Agder that ends in 2021. Still, the project SAMM continues in schools in 10 municipalities with financial support from the county governor to 2023. In addition another SAMM-project including a collaboration between refugee services and adult learning centres, supported by the Directorate of Integration and Diversity, may be prolonged in 2022.
In additon, the SAMM-project takes new routes. In the voluntary organisation Blue Cross Kristiansand, SAMM is combined with giving young people working experience in a project called CVidere. There is also plans to continue HBS Agder through a research project called HBS Instruments, where focus is to develop instruments to evaluate health promotion in schools and kindergartens, and SAMM is central also here.
Gerd Martina Langeland and May Olaug Horverak with SAMM-poster
In October 2021 we had a poster about SAMM in primary school at this year’s national public health conference in Trondheim. The poster shows how the SAMM-method could be applied to create an inclusive and health promoting learning environment.
The health promoting indicators that SAMM and other HBS-measures build on (Health promoting kindergartens and schools) were also presented with Migle Helmersen.
Once more we gathered adult learning centres and refugee services from several municipalities that participate in one of the SAMM-projects funded by the Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity. In this project, we apply the SAMM-method when working with the integration plans with the refugees. Everyone was satisfied with the conference both socially and content-wise. We thank participants for two great project years and hope to prolong the project to 2022.
In beautiful surroundings, SAMM and PPT in Birkenes has organised a workshop where we have worked on identifying challenges in the learning environment and possible solutions to ensure inclusion and a feeling of mastery in school. Representatives from the schools who work with different challenges have together with PPT reflected on how the SAMM-approach may contribute to create a good learning environment, and this work leads to further development of routines for addressing various problems before contacting PPT. The goal with this work is to create good structures and cooperation where PPT is available and can work with guidance at an early stage of problem-development, both at individual and system level, and also that the schools experience predictability when faced with challenges.
Young people reflect: What is important when having a summer job?
Blue Cross Kristiansand has integrated the SAMM-method in one of their projects, the summer job project, and has started using an adjusted version of the fivestep method with a focus on having a summer job. Young people met an evening this summer to reflect on what is important, what they already do well, and what may stop them from doing a good job. There was a positive atmosphere, and many good reflections this evenening. This is the start of a project at Blue Cross, a project aimed at helping young people reflect on how they can make a change in their situation, handle school or prepare for working life.
May and Kedir leads a discussion on how to prevent racism from developing
Friday 28. May, the Norwegian classes at Lillesand adult learning centre met at Hotell Norge in Lillesand and discussed racism based on the questions in the SAMM-method. The following questions were used:
What is important to prevent racism from developing in one’s surroundings?
What do I already do that helps prevent that racism develops?
In what way is racism an obstacle for me?
What can we focus on to stop racism?
What can we specifically do to stop racism?
The 25 students present had good contributions and there were interesting discussions. Some of what was said that it is important to include each other, distance oneself from racism or interfere when racism occurs, contribute in society through voluntary organisations, and reach out to others and be nice and smile. The participants of the conference agreed that it was a useful and great day.
Kedir explains by using a straw, and says that things are not always what they seem. When the straw is in water, it looks broken, but when removed from the water, we see it is not broken.Headmaster Thor appeared in a special suit to illustrate that a person can have different expressions, but still be the same person.
After five years of working with the fivestep-method in SAMM, the first book is ready for teachers in lower and upper secondary school. The book presents the theory on which the method is based, as well as details about how the method is applied in the classroom. Thre variants of the method is presented: a fivestep method for life master, a fivestep method for learning to learning in subjects and a fivestep mehtod for working with student democracy. The method is in line with central principles in the new national curricula, and many examples from experience in the classroom are included.
The book also includes many useful metaphors and illustrasjons, which you can also find in the instructions under “Material”. Some of these you can see on the poster below that we have developed in the project.
Gathering in the project “The participant at the centre” supported by IMDi
In the project “The participant at the centre”, which is a further development of SAMM in adult learning, we enjoyed a couple of fantastic days in beautiful surroundings in Fevik to discuss how the motivation method can be applied in the qualification programme for immigrants. We were about 70 people gathered from Birkenes, Lillesand, Grimstad, Vennesla and Evje and Hornnes, adult learning centres and refugee services. Thank you for your contributions in workshops and inspiration to continue the work, and thank you for a beautiful flower, as colourful as the community we wish for 🙂