From January, we have met regularly in SAMM development workshop to further develop the project. We started in upper secondary school with this method, and then we introduced it in adult learning centres, and then lower secondary and primary schools, and in this process, it is important to evaluate and adjust as we proceed. This is what we work with in the development workshop. Other participants not present on the picture are Gerd Martina Langeland (Møglestu, project leader uss), Mariette Aanensen (UiA) and Svein T. Heddeland (UiA). To keep focus, we have the plan for the processes we work with on the wall above us. There are 4 main tracks, and these are 1) to further develop the motivation method, 2) to plan implementation in the different contexts, 3) to make a structure that ensures follow-up of teachers and students if challenging health-topics appear and 4) to develop a plan for evaluation and research.