SAMM on a digital international conference

Gerd Martina Langeland presents SAMM at IAFOR’s conference ECE 2020 – London, European Conference on Education, a different experience with an online conference

This year, SAMM collaborated with other actors in HBS (Healthpromoting kindergartens and schools) to make a symposium with four presentations at the international IAFOR’s European Conference on Education, which was supposed to be in London. This year the event was digital, and we gathered to give the presentations together. The leader of HBS, Eva-Kristin Paschen- Eriksen, started with an introduction on why we need a public health programme in Norway, and this was followed up by Migle Helmersen from Norce, presenting healthpromoting indicators and an example of how these could be implemented. This was followed up by two SAMM presentations, where Gerd Martina contributed with a presentation on life mastery in upper secondary school and Eva Carmen contributed with a presentation on how the SAMM-method can be applied in student councils. It was very inspiring and fun to collaborate, a real success, thanks for the efforts everyone 🙂

Photos by Julie Sundsdal Nærdal

Eva Carmen Jenssen presents how we work with SAMM in student councils.
We present in a somewhat special setting.