

Horverak, M. O. (2024). Psychosocial learning environment and inclusion in primary school: Challenges from a student perspective. Issues in Educational Research, 34(2), 547-565. 

Horverak, M. O. (2023). Strategies to succeed with inclusion in a diverse learning environment. IAFOR Journal of Education 11(3), 9-28.

Horverak, M. O. & Helmersen, M. (2023). Helsefremmende kompetanser og helsefremming i skolen. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 107(2), 152-165.  

Henriksen, A. H., Galteland, T. M., Aanensen, M. & Horverak, M. O. (2023) Helping refugees in Norway to finish lower secondary school – self-regulation, motivation and mastering of English in adult learning. ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings.

Aanensen, M., Langeland, G. M. & Horverak, M. O. (2023). An alternative approach to working with assessment in school – how to make students profit from teachers’ feedback. ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2023) Facilitating and measuring health promotion in the learning environment – Student engagement and inclusion in school. ISSN: 2758-0962 The Paris Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2022). SAMM – A systematic approach to mastering life – the fivestep motivation method. The European Conference on Education 2022: Official Conference Proceedings, 21-31

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2022). Creating an inclusive and health promoting learning environment in primary school. The European Conference on Education 2022: Official Conference Proceedings, 9-20.

Horverak, M. O., Solberg, T. L. & Langeland, G. M. (2022). Mestring, medvirkning og motivasjon i voksenopplæring og integreringsarbeid. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Horverak, M. O., Langeland, G. M., Løvik, A., Askland, S., Scheffler, P. & Wach, A. (2022). Systematic work with speaking skills and motivation in second language classes. IAFOR Journal of Education, 10(1), 33-52.

Heddeland, S. & Horverak, M. O. (2022). Teknologi – en motivasjon eller distraksjon i skolen? Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 106(2), 104-115.

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2021). Systematic work with mastery, participation and motivation to create a health promoting and inclusive learning environment in primary school. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 49(1), 19-20.

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2021). Making students engaged in improving their English writing skills – A case-study from a Norwegian upper secondary school. The European Conference on Language Learning 2021: Official Conference Proceedings (s. 37-47).

Horverak, M. O. & Espegren, J. E. (2021). How to create a supportive learning environment in mathematics classes – An example from a Norwegian lower secondary school class. The 9th European Conference on Education 2021: Official conference proceedings (s. 279-289)

Langeland, G. M. & Horverak, M. O. (2021). Hvordan legge til rette for mestring, medvirkning og motivasjon i ungdomsskole og videregående skole. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Horverak, M. O., Langeland, G. M. & Diary, D. (2020). Empowering adult immigrant learners through systematic motivation work in the classroom. The IAFOR Journal of Education, 8 (4), 45-61.

Horverak, M. O., Langeland, G. M. & Aanensen, M. (2020). Systematic work with motivation and life mastery skills in upper secondary school: An action research study from a Norwegian context. The 8th European Conference on Education – London 2020 Official conference proceedings, s. 65-76.

Horverak, M. O. & Jenssen, E. C. (2020). Systematic work with learning environments: Training student representatives to improve learning conditions in their classes. The 8th European Conference on Education – London 2020 Official conference proceedings, s. 53-64.

Horverak, M. O., Aanensen, M., Olsbu, I., Päplow, T. M. & Langeland, G. M. (2020). Systematic motivation work in the language classroom – an action research study from southern Norway. Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology, 8 (1), 55-80.

Horverak, M. O. (2020). How to support immigrant entrepreneurs to succeed in a foreign culture? – a multiple case study from a Norwegian context. The 4th IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment Hawaii 2020 Official conference proceedings, s. 11-22. Honolulu, US.

Horverak, M. O. (2020). Developing resilience and life mastery skills in the classroom – a multiple case study comparing a Norwegian and Peruvian context. The 5th IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii2020 Official conference proceedings, s. 31-44. Honolulu, US.

Horverak, M. O., Aanensen, M. & Langeland, G. M. (2019). «Norsk er så kjedelig»…»Ja, og hva vil du gjøre med det?», spør vi. Norsklæreren 4, 46-54.

Horverak, M. O. & Aanensen, M. (2019). Decreased Motivation and Increased Mental Illness among Young People – a Need for Teaching Life Mastery Skills in School. The 7th European Conference on Education, Independence & Interdependence, official conference proceedings, s. 239-251. London, EN.

Horverak, M.O., Langeland, G. M. & Fagerhaug, J. P. (2018). Fra kunnskapsløft til motivasjon og livsmestring – et paradigeskifte i norsk skole?. Lektorbladet, 6, 16-18.

Langeland, G. M., Horverak, M. O. og Fagerhaug, J. P. (2018) Motivasjon – elevens eller lærerens ansvar? En case-studie om motivasjonsarbeid i en norskklasse i videregående skole. Norsklæreren, 2, 36-41.


Rosef, K. (2021). Systematisk arbeid med mestring og motivasjon – en evaluering av en livsmestringsmodell for grunnskolen. [Masteroppgave]. Universitetet i Agder.

Hammen, C. (2021). Tiltak rettet mot psykisk helse for elever i videregående skole – Erfaringer fra lærere. [Masteroppgave]. Universitetet i Agder

Bruvik, M. H. (2021). Livsmestring for barnehagebarn: En kvalitativ studie av hvordan barnehageansatte forstår og realiserer arbeidet med livsmestring for barn i barnehagen. [Masteroppgave]. Universitetet i Agder. 


Horverak, M. O., Langeland, G. M. Kühn, N. S., Hellang, Ø. & Helmersen, M. (22024, 26.-28. aug.). Developing tools for professional learning communities in schools to work on health promotion competence and practice. 11th World Congress on Education (WCE), Cambridge, EN.

Horverak, M. O. & Henriksen, M. F. S. (2023, 19.-23. sept.). Career guidance in the introduction programme for refugees in Norway – facilitating mastering, planning and problem solving in adult learning. The 4th Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE). Barcelona, SP.

Brennsæter, E. & Horverak, M. O. (2023, 19.-23. sept.). A framework for learning languages inspired by special needs education – Combining a whole language approach with phonological strategies. The 4th Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE). Barcelona, SP.

Henriksen, A. H., Galteland, T. M., Aanensen, M. & Horverak, M. O. (2023, 19.-23. sept.) Helping refugees in Norway to finish lower secondary school – self-regulation, motivation and mastering of English in adult learning. The 4th Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE). Barcelona, SP.

Aanensen, M., Langeland, G. M. & Horverak, M. O. (2023, 19.-23. sept). An alternative approach to working with assessment in school – how to make students profit from teachers’ feedback. The 4th Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE). Barcelona, SP.

Horverak, M. O & Langeland, G. M. (2023, 16.-19. juni). Facilitating and measuring health promotion in the learning environment – Student engagement and inclusion in school. The 2nd Paris Conference on Education (PCE). Paris, FR.

Langeland, G. M.. (2023, 24.-25. mai).Systematisk arbeid med mestring, medvirkning og motivasjon. Erfaringsdelingskonferanse i folkehelseprogrammet, i regi av Helsedirektoratet, Lillestrøm, NO.

Horverak M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2022, Juli). SAMM – A systematic approach to mastering life – the fivestep motivation method. The 10th European Conference on Education (ECE) London, EN.

Horverak M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2022, Juli). Creating an inclusive and health promoting learning environment in primary school. The 10th European Conference on Education (ECE) London, EN.

Horverak, M. O. (2022, Juli). A method for preventing racist and discriminatory attitudes and practices through dialogue and consciousness-raising in adult education. European Conference on Positive Psychology, Reykjavik, IS.

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2022, Juni). There’s a voice in my head saying you’re not good enough, you’re stupid, you won’t manage anything. Nordic Public Health Conference, Reykjavik, IS.

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2021, oktober). Systematisk arbeid med mestring, medvirkning og motivasjon for å skape et helsefremmende og inkluderende læringsmiljø i barneskolen. Nasjonal folkehelsekonferanse, Trondheim, NO.

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2021, juli). Making students engaged in improving their English writing skills –  A case-study from a Norwegian upper secondary school. The 9th European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL), London, EN (digital).

Horverak, M. O. & Espegren, J. E. (2021, juli). How to create a supportive learning environment in mathematics classes – An example from a Norwegian lower secondary school class. The 9th European Conference on Education (ECE), London, EN (digital).

Horverak, M. O. (2021, juni). A systematic approach to working with motivation in language classes – supporting students who fear speaking out loud in class. Exploring Language Education (ELE) . Oslo, NO (digital). Symposium:

    • Langeland, G. M. & Løvik, A. (2021, juni). Relieving anxiety through collective efforts and individual reflections – a multiple-case study from vocational classes.
    • Askland, S. (2021, juni). «In year 8, the students are eager to learn – it’s a new language! But in year 9, their motivation drops…»
    • Scheffler, P. & Wach. A. (2021, juni). Anxious to speak or anxious about speaking? Learning to speak English as a foreign language in Poland.
    • Horverak, M. O. (2021, juni). «I would like to sound like an Englishman or American instead of an insecure Norwegian».

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2021, mai). Systematisk arbeid med mestring, medvirkning og motivasjon. Hvordan kan kommunen fremme barn og unges psykiske helse og livskvalitet? Åpen konferanse i forbindelse med folkehelseprogrammet. Oslo, NO (digital, med opptak, denne presentasjonen starter 01:31:30)

Horverak, M. O. & Langeland, G. M. (2020, november). Deltakerdemokrati i praksis i lokale kontekster. En deliberativ metode for å styrke elevers medvirkning i samfunnsfag og gjennom elevråd. Nasjonal konferanse for samfunnsfagdidaktikk 2020: Samfunnsfagdidaktikk i en globalisert verden. Kristiansand, NO (digital).

Horverak, M. O., Langeland, G. M. & Aanensen, M. (2020, juli). Systematic work with motivation and life mastery skills in upper secondary school: An action research study from a Norwegian context. The 8th European Conference on Education (ECE), London, EN (digital).

Horverak, M. O. & Jenssen, E. C. (2020, juli). Systematic work with learning environments: Training student representatives to improve learning conditions in their classes. The 8th European Conference on Education (ECE), London, EN (digital).

Horverak, M. O. (2020). How to support immigrant entrepreneurs to succeed in a foreign culture? – A multiple-case study from a Norwegian context.  The 4th IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment – Hawaii (IICSEE), Honolulu, US.

Horverak, M. O. (2020). Developing resilience and life mastery skills in the classroom – a multiple case study comparing a Norwegian and Peruvian context. The 5th IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii (IICE), Honolulu, US.

Canrinus, E. T. & Matre, M. E. (2019) The risk of implementing an approach to enhance motivation. Paper presentert på  18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Tyskland.

Horverak, M. O. & Aanensen, M. (2019). Decreased motivation and increased mental illness among young people – a need for teaching life mastery skills in school. Paper presentert på The 7th Conference on Education (ECE), London, England.

Horverak, M. O. & Aanensen, M. (2019). A systematic approach to facilitate for motivation and self-regulation in language learning contexts. Paper presentert på The 7th Conference on Language Learning (ECLL), London, England.

Matre, M. E., & Canrinus, E. T. (2018). How to prevent dropout? Designing an approach to enhance motivation in adolescent language learners. Poster presentert på 16th International Conference on Motivation (ICM), Aarhus, Danmark.

Canrinus, E. T., Matre, M. E. & Horverak, M. O. (2018). Subject specific motivation: a matter of profiling. The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 11 Conference, Kristiansand, Norge.

Horverak, M. O, Aanensen, M. & Päplow, T. M. (2018). Systematic work with motivation: developing a meta-cognitive strategy for language learning. Paper presentert på IV Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology Conference (NJMLM), Kristiansand, Norge.